Promote Your Book on Goodreads



Shelves (also known as genres)

Author Follows

Quotes and Quote Likes
Having a good selection of quotes from your books added to Goodreads is a great way for readers to newly discover you. Popular quotes also find their way to Social Media, get added to Quote websites, and they can even go viral, instantly catapulting an author and book’s success.
We can help with recommendations of how to select your most suitable quotes, and also add them to Goodreads for you. Once promoted and lots of readers have liked your quotes, they rise up the quote lists through their associated tags, and are a very effective mechanism for long-term exposure.

Reviews and Review Likes

Sum up
This guide should give a better idea of just how the elements in our promotional packages benefit both yourself as the author and your books, not just in the short term, but once in place how they provide an excellent means of generating that vital exposure for years and years to come.
At BeBookSharp we have promotional packages available to connect with your exact target readership and help you achiever much greater prominence and success in all of the elements mentioned above, and much, much more. No matter which genre of book we are representing, fiction or non-fiction, and from new releases to books that have previously been published years before, we can meet those challenges, and the results are guaranteed. If you’re curious to know more I’ll be happy to answer any questions and provide details of the packages we currently have available.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Warmest regards, Kathy K.