
Hi and welcome to BeBookSharp.

Whether you’re an author who is new to the industry or a seasoned veteran with an extensive back catalogue, from a major publishing house or a small-press publisher, we have the experience and drive to help you gain the huge exposure needed to take your writing career to all new levels of success.

Who Are BeBookSharp?

Here at BeBookSharp we are a collective of individuals with a huge amount of experience across all levels of the publishing and book marketing and promotion industries, and on an international scale.

Our combined experience totals more than forty years in the industry, and as well as our seasoned veterans we also have young team members who are incredibly talented in the ever-changing areas of social media and digital marketing.

Book Promotions

Together with our collective experience in the industry we also have an extensive reader database with preferences right across the spectrum of both fiction and non-fiction, so whatever type of book you have written we have a huge and ever-growing audience ready and eager to read.

Our BeBookSharp Mission

Throughout our careers, all of our team have, from time to time, come across fabulous books that for reasons of lack of promotion, or ineffective leadership in that promotion, have failed to find their target readership on a wide enough scale.

Those titles then unfortunately sank beneath the waves of new releases. For us, there is nothing worse than a good book going unnoticed, and that is one of the reasons we came together to form BeBookSharp.

Our mission is to see those books get a fair chance at success and to be able to compete against the titles the big publishing houses and retailers tell us we should be reading.

Your BeBookSharp Journey

If you’re reading this there’s a fair chance you may already have written one, or even a number of books. If that is the case then maybe you feel you could also benefit from more exposure to help your book find its target audience and drive sales to a higher level than you have experienced before.

Or perhaps you’re just curious to find out more about exactly how we can help.

Whatever the reason is that has piqued your interest, we are looking forward to hearing from you.

So What is the Next Step?

You can stay in touch with the latest BeBookSharp developments, special offers, and limited time discounts by subscribing to our newsletter database at the link below. You can read our handy How-To guides at the tab on the top of this page. You can also check us out on social media at the links provided below.


Also, if you would like some specifics on exactly how we can help your book to succeed at a higher level than ever before then send me an email and I’ll be happy to assist.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and helping your book gain widespread exposure to appreciative readers,

Kathy K

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